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Spirulina Powder 50g

Spirulina Powder 50g
Kategori Herbal Powder, Others
Di lihat 22188 kali
Berat (/pcs )0.05 Kg
Harga Rp 50.000


Spirulina Powder

11 benefits from taking 3-6 grams of spirulina every day:

1.Strengthens the immune system (particularly useful  for HIV/ AIDS patients)

2.Show a statistically significant reduction of LDL (bad cholesterol)and controlling blood glucose

3.Increases RNA (Ribonucleic acid) in the brain for more energy

4.The beta carotene is an excellent source of disease  fighting antioxidants, and is also good for healthy eyes

5.Contains vegetable protein and amino acids to build muscle

6.High concentration of B Vitamins; which not only break down carbohydrate and lipids but also maintain cardiovascular health.

7.An excellent anti-inflammatory, which is an essential benefit to arthritis patients and prevents heart disease.

8.Contains anti-aging properties.

9.Improves digestive health

10.Contains easy to absorb iron supplements ideal for  women and children.

11.Reduces cancer with antioxidant protection

Cara Pemakaian :

Balita : 1 gr / hari

Anak dibwh 12 th : 3 gr / hari atau 1sdt

Dewasa : 3-6 gr / hari atau 1-2 sdt

Larutkan kedalam 1 gelas air putih ( 220 ml ), aduk rata. Langsung siap diminum. Gunakan air dingin atau suhu ruangan.


Penyimpanan :

Simpan di tempat yang kering dan sejuk, jauhkan dari sinar matahari langsung.

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