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Matcha Powder Import 250g

Matcha Powder Import 250g
Kategori Herbal Powder, Others
Di lihat 10068 kali
Berat (/pcs )0.25 Kg
Harga Rp 140.000

matcha extract powder


Benefits of Matcha Green Tea:

1. Prevent Aging

Matcha is a nutritional powerhouse. Composed of vitamins A, C, and E, along with antioxidants, it helps neutralize free radicals to keep cells healthy, maintain DNA integrity, and prevent aging.

2. Increases Metabolism

Matcha increases metabolism through thermogenesis; your body expends more energy while resting, so your body burns more calories.

3. Detoxifies the Body

The rich chlorophyll content that makes matcha green also helps expel toxins, heavy metal, and hormone disruptors from the body.

4. Buffers stress

Clinical trials found that L-theanine, an amino acid found in green tea, supports the body’s physical and psychological stress response. L-theanine acts as a buffer by suppressing the sympathetic nervous system.

5. Normalizes Blood Sugar Levels

Matcha is composed of whole tea leaves, so soluble and insoluble fibres are unadulterated. The fibre in matcha helps normalize blood sugar similar to how fibre in fruit prevents blood sugar surges.

6. Supports Natural Energy

Naturally occurring caffeine in matcha provides focus and energy without causing an energy crash or shakiness after consumption. L-theanine helps elicit calm, sustained energy to promote productivity.

7. May Prevent Cancer

Matcha’s rich source of antioxidants, particularly Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), about 1348 units in a serving as measured by the oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) value, is prompting scientists to study its use for cancer prevention and treatment. Studies support lower cancer rates among at-risk individuals who routinely consumed EGCG.

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